The most vibrant shades of fuchsia-pink color attract the eye momentarily. That’s what our Miu-miu bouquet makes with people looking at it. The composition of large hydrangea inflorescences shaped in a round bouquet looks like a pink cloud. It fits...
The most vibrant shades of fuchsia-pink color attract the eye momentarily. That’s what our Miu-miu bouquet makes with people looking at it. The composition of large hydrangea inflorescences shaped in a round bouquet looks like a pink cloud. It fits the most exclusive events and you can make it a part of your wedding image, present it to your loved ones, or place it in your interior as a bright spot that creates a vibrant mood.
We offer our customers to order Miu-miu for a moderate price and enjoy the freshest and the most long-lasting floral beauty.
Size S - 10 stems
Size M - 15 stems
Size L - 25 stems
Size XL - 40 stems
Size WOW - 50 stems